Google+ First Impressions

Post date: Jun 29, 2011 9:21:20 PM


Like it (so far) that it FORCES you to decide which "Circle" to Share with.

Animations in Circles are nice! Moving Friends into and out of and between Circles, well done! Dito on a Photo > Actions > Details, the flip over.. we'll get used to these effects we only knew from desktop (hell, doesn't iPhoto have the EXACT SAME effect?!) on web apps.


Even if it's perfectly perfect, at 500 Million Registered Users Facebook has "a bit" of a head start, doesn't it?

Does the larger public care enough about privacy and friends circle segregation to use & care, or is this too nerdy?


I can't cross-post my Tweets to it?! Gee even Buzz could do that...

Where is the Sound of Music... what are friends in my circles listening to... hear it... share it... join in.. buy songs..

Decrease default Circle/Friends visibility - you (I) don't want anybody to see everybody you're connected to!

Android Application doesn't have Move to SD Card.

Increase Profile - enable +1 Tab, why not by default?!

Young! Google Moderator has a Share to Email/Facebook/Twitter/Buzz, but not Google+ yet.

Vs. Buzz... is Buzz the same as Google+ now?! On Profiles they appear separately, find it unclear.

Bugs (Minor)

Account Settings > Account Overview: 0.88GB (4.411710565909743%) in use out of 20GB


Account Settings > Language (How to switch my Google+ Home Page from German to English?! Sometimes it's French also - but I can't see how to change it.)